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A place to plan the gender doathon

Open Heroines Gender Doathon

What is it?

A doathon is like a hackathon, but focused on doing rather than code. We will work on open data projects that want to add a gender lens to them or on open data projects that already focus on gender. We will also create key documentation for the Open Heroines community.

As part of the International Open Data Conference 2018, we will host a day of a doathon in Buenos Aires, Argentina. This repo and website will help to coordinate the activities for that day.

Focusing on open data and gender, we are looking to collaborate with projects that already looking on open data and gender, and help them to complete some tasks that will help them move forward in their progress and give them a stage to showcase their ideas. We will also be happy to collaborate with current open data projects that want to be more gender minded and inclusive, and will help them to build a strategy to include gender and diveristy forward.

We invite men, women, and gender non-binary people to join us. Whether you are a policy maker, researcher, coder, designer or just an enthusiast, we invite you to make, hack, contribute, try, teach, design, test, learn (or just about anything!).

How to participate?

Submit your project or action you’ll like.

Find a project or action you’ll like.

^ There you can search out the types of things you’d like to do without looking at the scary issues page or us coding up something really complex.

We’ll be using this GitHub repository for documenting and discussing ideas before, during, and after the event, both for remote participants and everyone else who is interested. People can pitch ideas or projects they want to work on or need help with in this form

Check out the yellow labels for hacky ideas to work on! Feel free to propose your own, even multiple ones: having more ideas may make it easier to find people to team up with. Conversely, feel free to have a go at any of these ideas, and let us — and their proposers — know how far you’ve come. There are purple labels for attendees to say what their interests and skills are, which is especially useful if they are not yet involved with one of the proposed ideas. To present the ideas and to inform about other topics of interest, we’ll be having lightning talks, which can be tracked via the red labels.

There are also light green labels that we’re using to organize the event. Your participation is welcome here too.

Some Ideas

Ideas for activites can be:

What is Open Heroines?

Voices of women working in open government, open data and civic tech. Follow us on twitter @OpenHeroines