Gender Doathon

September 25, 2018 | Buenos Aires, Argentina | #IODC18

A doathon is like a hackathon, but focused on doing rather than code. We will work on open data projects that want to add a gender lens to them or on open data projects that already focus on gender.

Project Ideas

  • Find and reuse an open data set
  • Create engaging (and open) visualizations of open data and gender
  • Build a software library (e.g. Python module / R package)
  • Conduct a data-centric walk around the neighbourhood

Focusing on open data and gender, we are looking to collaborate with projects that already looking on open data and gender, and help them to complete some tasks that will help them move forward in their progress and give them a stage to showcase their ideas. We will also be happy to collaborate with current open data projects that want to be more gender minded and inclusive, and will help them to build a strategy to include gender and diveristy forward.

We invite men, women, and gender non-binary people to join us. Whether you are a policy maker, researcher, coder, designer or just an enthusiast, we invite you to make, hack, contribute, try, teach, design, test, learn (or just about anything!).